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Showing posts from June, 2023

Must Know Linux commands.

  Top 50 Linux Commands Everyone must know. 1. ls - view contents of directory (list) 2. pwd - path of the current directory  3. cd -  change directory 4. mkdir - make new directory  5. mv - move files / rename files  6. cp - copy files  7. rm - remove files  8. touch - create blank new file  9. rmdir - delete directory  10. cat - list content of file to terminal  11. clear - clear terminal window  12. echo - move data into a file  13. less - Read text file one screen at a time  14. man - show manual of Linux commands  15. sudo - enables you to perform tasks that require administrative or root permissions  16. top - task manager in terminal  17. tar - used to archive multiple files into a tarball  18. grep - used to searching words in specific files  19. head - view first lines of any text file  20. tail - view last lines of any text file  21. diff - compares the contents of two files line by line  22. kill - used for killing unresponsive program  23. jobs - display all current jobs al