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Must Know Linux commands.

 Top 50 Linux Commands Everyone must know.

1. ls - view contents of directory (list)

2. pwd - path of the current directory 

3. cd -  change directory

4. mkdir - make new directory 

5. mv - move files / rename files 

6. cp - copy files 

7. rm - remove files 

8. touch - create blank new file 

9. rmdir - delete directory 

10. cat - list content of file to terminal 

11. clear - clear terminal window 

12. echo - move data into a file 

13. less - Read text file one screen at a time 

14. man - show manual of Linux commands 

15. sudo - enables you to perform tasks that require administrative or root permissions 

16. top - task manager in terminal 

17. tar - used to archive multiple files into a tarball 

18. grep - used to searching words in specific files 

19. head - view first lines of any text file 

20. tail - view last lines of any text file 

21. diff - compares the contents of two files line by line 

22. kill - used for killing unresponsive program 

23. jobs - display all current jobs along with their statuses 

24. sort - is a command line utility for sorting lines of text files 

25. df - info about system disk 

26. du - check how much space a file or directory takes 

27. zip - to compress your files into a zip archive 

28. unzip - to extract the zipped files from a zip archive 

29. ssh - a secure encrypted connection between two hosts over and insecure network 

30. cal - shows calendar 

31. apt - command line tool for interaction with packaging system 

32. alias - custom shortcuts used to represent a command 

33. w - current user info 

34. whereis - used to locate the binary, source, manual page files 

35. whatis - used to get one-line man page description 

36. useradd - used to create a new user 

37. passwd - used to changing password of current user 

38. whoami - print current user 39. uptime - print current time when machine starts 

40. free - print free disk space info 

41. history - print used commands history 

42. uname - print detailed information about your Linux system 

43. ping - to check connectivity status to a server 

44. chmod - to change permissions of files and directories 

45. chown - to change ownership of files and directories 

46. find - using find searches for files and directories 

47. locate - used to locate a file, just like the search command in Windows 

48. ifconfig - print ip address stuff 

49. ip a - similar to ifconfig but shortest print 

50. finger - gives you a short dump of info about a user


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